Your first appointment will be longer than subsequent sessions. This will last approximately 1 1/2 hours – to allow time for a Chinese medical diagnosis.
A detailed understanding is required of your symptoms: past medical and family history, your lifestyle, diet and how well all the systems in your body are functioning.
Assessment will also include examination of the tongue and the pulse on both wrists. A personal acupuncture treatment plan will be put together, based on information ascertained at the first appointment. Subsequent treatments will last approximately 1 hour.
Frequency of treatment varies from person to person. Sometimes the effects of treatment are rapid and only a few treatments are required. For other people the effects are more subtle and treatment may be needed over several months.
Acupuncture is commonly used to treat such conditions or presenting symptoms related to: Headaches, Insomnia, Emotional issues including stress, anxiety or depression and grief; Addiction, Fatigue, Pain management, Menstrual problems, ME, Restless Leg Syndrome. Acupuncture may be used for treating the symptoms of a variety of other conditions ranging from flu like symptoms to joint pain.
Acupuncture has a strong emphasis on Prevention and therefore can be used to maintain good health and well being – by strengthening one’s constitution.
Information regarding the following conditions can be found on British Acupuncture Council website –